I was on my way to Trinoma, my everyday route towards the MRT North station when I saw 2 kids, a 3 and a 5-year old, waiting for a Jeepney.
The second jeep, labeled 'QUIAPO' passed and then the guy, who was the younger one, moved forward and talked to the Jeepney Driver, ‘Manong wala kami pamasahe, pwede pong pasakay?’ That statement was told in what seemed like an angelic voice. Without any hesitation, the driver nodded with a YES. The kid smiled, then gestured the girl to move towards the Jeep.
Both of the kids can barely reach the handle which will lead them to their seats. I was supposed to be in a hurry but the scene was just too moving for me to continue walking. I stayed there for a couple of minutes recalling the smiles I saw on their faces, the pleading soft voice and the driver’s affectionate stare. I told myself that, how mushy or how nonsensical it may seem to people, I'd share that encounter in writing.
I was wondering where their parents were, whether or not they were lost and where they were headed to. Yet I did not need answers to any of those questions. That fleeting moment made me think about the feeling of euphoria each time I see the smiles of people whom I have helped in a way or two, that fleeting moment validated the fact that one need not be wealthy, to have that heart of giving, of helping.
***Sorry for the lame attempt in having this entry as something post- worthy. Just felt I needed to share this.
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