i find it funny to notice that most of the values i learned are being made ‘more remembered’ to be applied by kindergarten songs which few kids are even making a joke about and by notions which some people find shallow or trivial.
i learned to always be mindful of utilizing natural resources which are indispensable to our living. ‘i never let the water run’ best portrays how we should be guilty of wasting such an important resource. who would have thought that i’d be this lover of ‘green efforts for the mother earth’ just because i remember so well that particular line being sang in the barney show.
one cannot fit a square peg onto a circular hole- no matter how he tries hard to. a clever remark was not mentioned by einstein or socrates but by my favorite character pooh bear as he simplified taoism in the book ‘tao of pooh.’ there are just things which can’t be- and things we have to let be. we can neither love two persons at the same time nor can we force ourselves to be someone else. there are instances wherein we try to force things to be the way we want them to be- when knowing right away that they can’t. they CAN actually can, i mean- they really can be what we ought them to be but we will end up being miserable- we can compare ourselves then to a square peg which was forced to fit in a circular hole way way smaller than its size- yes it will definitely fit- but will end up being deformed or losing its particular distinction.
i always make it a point to have a harmonious relationship with everyone- i am not someone with whom everyone is pleased of but i hate to have foes or having to avoid someone due to undiscussed misunderstandings or disputes. i love you, you love me, we’re a happy family. it would really seem like i am an avid barney show viewer. oh yes i used to be- not way years back when i was a kid but only when i was in high school when hearing barney songs everyday for a particular period of time drove me to sorta consider liking the songs because of my niece. i was never happy with her version of the all-time favorite barney song having the lyrics ‘i love you, you love me, lets get together and kill barney (the rest speaks of violence being sung by a three year old )’ how could i? yes, it was a joke. but i don’t want to hear a joke about the purple dinosaur who thought me nearly every important thing i need in this life.
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