Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Letter to All Novice Moms

 (or for all moms who can relate)
She hasn’t taken a bath at 3PM because she had to make sure the baby is already clean and fresh and ready for siesta before she takes a shower.

She wants to, but can’t get the room tidy 100% of the time even if she tries hard to make her surroundings spotless. She knows though that it is normal for toys to be scattered on the floor and puzzle mattes to not be perfectly aligned with each other and for baby books to not be on their usual location. 

At times, she apologizes to her husband for not being able to do this or that for him because she did this or that for the baby first so the husband had to do the task himself.

She always looks forward to Sundays and feels a whimper of pain if her husband says “can we just stay at home, I am tired?” Sunday is the only day she gets to get out of home aside from taking the baby for a walk in the neighborhood on a daily basis; it is the only day she gets to wear her best dress. She dolls herself up on Sundays either via make up or by doing a quick new hair style so she could feel pretty because she’s just usually on her tank top and shorts at home with her hair in a bun and with the face she keeps failing to put a moisturizer on. Yet on Sundays where she hears people rushing her to look away from the mirror, she wears her best dress with her damp hair in a bun and with the comb in her hand.

She is fond of dresses and shoes and bags and the usual things a girl has in their wish list but she would wait for her birthday to request for one because it would not be appropriate for her to demand one from her husband as she is only a full time mom who doesn’t bring dough to the table. She wouldn’t want to spend her savings for those things either as she marked all her kept money as “no longer hers but baby’s.”  

She keeps browsing on travel deals and events pages as she would one day want to be in a beach with her friends, climb a mountain or two, or enjoy what she used to do before being a full time mom, but she immediately closes the pages out as people may think that being away from the baby and enjoying leisure with friends may let people think she wants her old singlehood back.

She has the tendency to always want to perfect things as motherhood is her focus and she should not have any misses. She has the tendency to put herself on the least priority. She has the tendency to be guilty for wanting a simple reward or two.

I want her to change all this thinking. Motherhood should not lead to sacrificing one’s personal identity. I’d like her to grab her makeup kit and make herself pretty, if that’s what makes her feel better. I’d like her to start mingling with her friends again, to plan a trip or two or a simple coffee get- together. I’d like her to be more ’herself’ and not care about what others would say. I’d like her to care more about her body by staying fit and not feel incriminated by doing so, with the people around her thinking that she shouldn’t bother as she already is a mother and that whatever body type she may fall under, she would sno longer be replaced by her partner.

As another blogger puts it in a query “we lay down our lives for our children, but shouldn’t we pick up and maintain our lives for our children too?”* Motherhood should not lead to losing but gaining one’s self. It is one of life’s greatest roles that doesn’t end once started. It begins by the moment we know that a life is slowly forming inside our bodies. This knowledge alone should be empowering enough to make us want to fulfill our dreams and realize our long- taught plans for self improvement even if it means temporarily being away from our kids. We have to hug the fact that we cannot be 100% be with our kids as we need some time alone with ourselves,  our partner and our community. When people start to doubt your being a mother as old times pictures a mom merely staying at home waiting for her partner, silence them with your display of confidence and noticeable self worth.     

Let not motherhood be the cause of losing your identity. Let it empower you to still be passionate about the things you enjoyed doing before this phase. The social norm that dictates mothers to be at home most of the time is ancient. Be more of what you'd want to be - whether that'd be a person that starts the talk, someone who conquers heights and mountains and cliffs or someone who's not afraid to take risks for growth. When you become what you envisioned, you would likely be happier in raising your offspring as you know you never held yourself back. You're meant for greatness and you're meant to tell exciting stories to your kids so live your life the fullest.

Kat from

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Worth

What am I made of?

-A skin covers my muscles

that then covers my bones

Or the cliche:

Of flesh and blood I am made

But no, that is not my point

What am I made of?

Am I covered with

merely a fourth of truth

and three quarters of pretension?

Do I trust others

but not myself?

Or do I trust myself

and not others?

Do I consist of fair judgment?

Or cling on first impressions?

Am I worth living?

And worth remembering

when I die?

-Poem written early 2004

Blog entries are owned and copyrighted by Leah Bulacan © All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use, copy, editing, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of the blog content, without author's explicit permission, is punishable by Law.


Photo by Jerrold Carandang

As it all came to pass I smile about the things which once hurt me
I am lucky that I have not felt the love I deserved
I am lucky that I have been fooled
I am lucky that I have stumbled upon a wrong decision
All of these made me wiser

I am lucky that I have felt betrayal as I gained the discernment 
to know who are phony and who are loyal
I am lucky to have known the feeling of solitude
All of these made me stronger

It seems like yesterday
I was on track then went astray;
was in bliss then wanted pain to go away                          

I am lucky that I failed in love a lot of times
I am lucky that I felt the urge of giving up
I am lucky that all these things came into place
All of these led me in being where you are
I am lucky that I have lost
because it was then that I found you

"All I went through, led me to you, I'll do it all over again."
-a line from Natasha Beddingfield's song

 October 27, 2011 at 6:33am

Blog entries are owned and copyrighted by Leah Bulacan © All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use, copy, editing, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of the blog content, without author's explicit permission, is punishable by Law. 

My Sweet Dream

Photo by Jerrold Carandang to whom this poem was made for

Effortlessly, you make me                                                                                                 see my dreams fulfilled,                                                                                     
my fears diminished,
and my peace always within reach

Unconsciously, you make me
want to be better
strive even harder
and see things without the obscurity of cynism

Unknowingly, you make me
be in such a trance I won't want to end
be in this place I once feared to tred
be in this spot I'd give everything to have until the end

You make me feel
the want, the longing, the yearning
to keep on feeling what you make me feel
to keep on keeping the feeling I deem to be surreal

Blog entries are owned and copyrighted by Leah Bulacan © All Rights Reserved 2012. Unauthorized use, copy, editing, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of the blog content, without author's explicit permission, is punishable by Law.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Write Up's I never Got the Courage to Post I: Love We Think We Deserve

Photo by Jerrold Carandang
Everyone has that innate longing to want what they know they cannot have, to try to change something which is more likely to remain constant, to push their selves in situations they are better off ignoring. 

We love the thrill, the chase. We'd like to satisfy the urge of wanting to take and win over a challenge. We’d like to explore and wander.  

You are not alone in feeling this; again, it is innate and is normal. Once entertained, it gives us the same satisfaction of enjoying a vacation with no planned itinerary, of finding a beach in the middle of nowhere after getting lost from a trip which was not meticulously planned. We love the spontaneity of it all, the certainty that everything will be uncertain.  

Enjoy it while you still can but I tell you it would never be permanent. This kind of longing would one day fade away and you’d shift from wanting to hold something you know you’d one day let go of, to wanting something that you know would stay. One could never forever hold on to this as it’d one day dawn on you that it got to stop, you’d be weary and tired of trying, of pushing things, of fighting a fight you know you would not win over. We’d then like the warmth of holding the hand that has been waiting for quite a while to be noticed, we’d then want to veer away from wanting to wander, from wanting to play, we’d then want to accept someone who’d kill and fight for our time.

Don’t push yourself away from this kind of longing though, of thinking of what the others would think as we do not answer to anyone but ourselves- the only one that knows what goes within us. Savor and satisfy this longing if it comes knocking at your door. Sometimes it is necessary to fall in the wrong arms to finally have that yearning to be enveloped with the right one. Sometimes it is necessary to wander so we could find our place on the spot we so well deserved. Sometimes it is necessary that we fall hard because of someone, to finally rise up with someone else who’d ensure something closest to certainty in this world of the unknown.

I am a woman and I believe that this kind of ‘playful’ thrill- seeking nature is not limited to men. It happens, and is felt by everyone. A women’s utmost yearning though, is to feel affection. At the end of it all, this longing supersedes all emotional needs. A woman is a woman. Our hands would be paired with the ones we are destined to hold. Our attention is ought to be given to the ones who have proven their worth. We are meant to stay with the ones who are decisive to stay. After all the shebang, a woman would then delight themselves being with something that needs not to change, of finally accepting what they actually deserve, rather than what they push themselves in believing they deserve. 

“We accept he love we think we deserve.” –Perks of being a Wallflower.
September 2013

Blog entries are owned and copyrighted by Leah Bulacan © All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use, copy, editing, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of the blog content, without author's explicit permission, is punishable by Law. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Everyone fights their own battles every day. There are the small ones that you’d just need instinct or a bit of logic as your weapons like the fight for a seat in the train where there’s a pool of people eyeing for one. There are the big ones that you just cannot get over with no matter how witty you are, not matter how you think you are prepared, no matter how many times you've been under the same battle. They are the battles WITHIN US. It could be a fight for strength where one breathes in, breathes out and tells himself “Please be strong.” It could be the battle of the mind and heart where each side opposes the other. It could be the fight for confidence where one who feels so low reminds himself of what his worth is.

The truth is the world would not stop and mourn with you. The world would not stop the train from departing to let you in because you’d be late. The world would not stop and console you and drive you to move forward as the world has its own battles to fight, too. The biggest battles that we go under are the one where it is ourselves we have to fight with. Sometimes we have to suck it all in and fight for what we know is right. These battles make us all human. The goal is not to succumb to any of these fights because as hard as they may seem to win, you’d get over them in time and be ready for ANOTHER FIGHT.

Blog entries are owned and copyrighted by Leah Bulacan © All Rights Reserved 2014. Unauthorized use, copy, editing, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of the blog content, without author's explicit permission, is punishable by Law.

Friday, June 14, 2013

I Miss You So Much It Hurts II

You hearing me? I miss you, and I know that you know that even though I don't get to write for you that often.

I'd oftentimes think how my life would turn out to be had you not left 13 years ago. Perhaps you'll drive me to have the same appetite as you do and I'd look a bit 'unslim' than I am now. Perhaps we'd watch musical numbers together as you know how I adore Leah Salonga whom I was named after, perhaps we'd walk together and chat, like we used to.

As soon as you left I felt how it is to live lacking a father figure. You were the one beside me teaching me Math or whatnot's, you argued with me about politics and other things like which pizza flavor to pick. You were there. We were so close that when you left, I had to motivate myself to creating a mindset that all of those roles will then be fulfilled Mom. I was closer than you than I was with her. I was your baby even at 14.

Perhaps I'd be stronger because I'd have more years under your tutelage. Perhaps you'd repeatedly tell me not to cry and I'd follow you and I won't be the cry baby that I am now. I recall that particular day when you told me NOT TO CRY, and I guess that's a statement you told me just once but would want me to remember even after you left.

We'd read books and argue about them, I'd have you read Tuesdays with Morrie or perhaps read it out for you as your eyes won't have the 20- 20 vision you used to have. I'd force you to stay with me in Manila and if you don't agree I'd visit our hometown on a weekly basis. We'd eat 'palabok' heartily, we'd watch movies together, I'd give you a massage from time to time even when you don't ask me to give you one. I'd replenish your container of water as I know you can drink 4 to 6 liters in a day.  

I would be the best daughter you could ever ask for. We'd go to church together and I won't refuse talking about the history of saints and Word War and the Republicans, I won't fail to buy you a Sunday copy of your favorite newspaper. I would be there for you and forget about work and drive towards home immediately as soon as you need me. I will be the daughter who'll always be around.

I love you and I miss you so much. Happy Father's day Pap. Please let me dream about you.    

Blog entries are owned and copyrighted by Leah Bulacan © All Rights Reserved 2012. Unauthorized use, copy, editing, reproduction, publication, duplication and distribution of the blog content, without author's explicit permission, is punishable by Law.